Sunday, June 17, 2018

Happy Father's Day!

     The past couple weeks have been pretty hectic, between getting ready for graduation, planning time to have my friend come down, and working with my dad - which brings me to the purpose of today's post.
     Father's day. A day I think isn't as widely noticed as mother's day, but just as important. Mothers are often seen as the kind, nurturing parent, and fathers are seen as the brute, enforcing parent; while in all reality both roles are important, I believe we aren't complete without the guidance of a father.
     My dad has been a strong rock in my life. He's always there when I need him, whether that's just spending time with me, fixing my messes, or reassuring me that he is proud of me. We've spent a lot of time building stuff together over the past 7 years, and I have cherished every moment of it. Learning skills I may or may not use, but always having fun.
     Being the youngest of four boys and the only girl, I didn't spend much time with my dad until my brothers moved out. Not because my dad was too busy to spend time with me, I was always just more of a mommas girl. But a part of me regrets not choosing to spend more time with him, because I honestly love chilling with my dad, even if it's just watching him work.
     The reason I believe it's so important to have a relationship with your dad, at least from a girls perspective, is because it shapes us into respectable young ladies, who want a man like their dad and won't settle for someone who isn't ready to be in a relationship. And from my conversations with young men, their father gave them the example of how to be an honorable man.
     Now, I know there are cases in which an earthly father is not a good role-model, or he isn't around. But I know family is more than just flesh and blood, father figures can be formed from anywhere, a family friend, pastor, or most importantly our Heavenly Father.

I love you dad. Thank you for always being in my life, loving me unconditionally, laughing with me, and teaching me how to be a good person, and respectable young lady. I cannot thank you enough 💕

1 comment:

  1. Your Daddy Loves you.
    Stop growing up so fast. Ugh
    I love you too. Mom
