Thursday, May 10, 2018


Thanks for checking out my blog! It's not much yet, I'm hoping it will get better with time ;).
I've been thinking about starting a blog or Youtube channel for a while, I hesitated because I couldn't decide what I wanted to talk about, and because my vocabulary and grammar aren't the best (as you've probably noticed). But I think you have to start somewhere to learn or grow; so here we are!

Behind the name: Though my real name is Heather, Molly Hobbit is an alias my dad and I created when I got my gmail for a reason I can't remember. Molly is the name of my dog (basically my child), and a few friends have made jokes about how we live in a "hobbit house", so the name Molly Hobbit was formed, and it stuck.

What this blog may include: I still haven't settled on a specific topic so I'll probably share some on my medical background, testimonies from youth camp and life in general, and things I'm passionate about i.e; teaching, writing, movies, traveling. To sum it up, expect anything lol.

Some other stuff you may want to know: Yes, I do use the acronym "l.o.l" and smiley faces. I'm a light-hearted person for the most part and I know how people can assume a rude tone when reading texts or emails, so I like to let people know I'm not upset by adding one or the other, or both. But typing "haha" seems awkward and slightly sinister.

So yeah...welcome to my blog! :)
Also, please feel free to suggest what I should write about next or ask questions.


  1. How about your God given Art & and music talents including some songs you’ve written. I blogged for 13 years . If you want to and photos or links and are having troubles, give me a call. Blogspot is the format I used.

    1. Thank you Grandma <3 I will add those to my list of ideas ;)

  2. Love you my wonderful daughter.
    Good stuff, always reading all your insights.:-D
